Review from “Heavy Metal Heaven”

Vanishing Celestial Bodies - Album Cover“Stellt Euch kurz mal vor: Die Herren Redakteure Harry & Toralf und Redakteurin Hasi mit mir in einer Runde… also alles vertreten, was die unterschiedlichsten Geschmäcker des Metal angeht! Und dann kommt: NEUROTHING! Was passiert wohl? Fragezeichen auf den Köpfen waren zu sehen, Erstaunen, Schockmomente… aber vor allem wachsame Ohren, denn die braucht man bei dieser Band aus Polen.

Nun kann ich schlecht von Old-School-Rockern wie Harry erwarten, dass er eine Band wie NEUROTHING anhören will, geschweige denn zumuten, dass er solch eine Richtung überhaupt kennt.
Achja… die Richtung! Ich fange mal mit dem Wort schräg an! Man nehme hierzu einen astreinen Brüller und paare das Ganze mit deftigen Solis. Da dies NEUROTHINg aber nicht reicht, muss noch eine Prise knallharte Abwechslung rein und nebenher schüttet man noch ein wenig mörderische Pantera-Einflüsse hinzu. Wenn dieser sehr kurze Rohling, der als Eigenproduktion megafett daherkommt und tempomässig im Mittelfeld schwebt, dann als Fertiggericht serviert wird… na dann aber ab die Post!

Unglaublich, dass die Jungs erst knapp 2 Jahre diese Mucke machen…
Was diese Band hier abliefert, kann sich sowas von sehen lassen, das eine vergleichbare Band wie z.B. MESHUGGAH sich langsam fragen muss, warum sie nicht wieder an Ihre Ursprünge denken…!!! NEUROTHING’s EP kann und muss ein Startschuss für mehr sein und wer das nicht glauben will, hört einfach mal hier rein: Macheta.”

author: Horrace, rating: 5/6
source: Heavy-Metal-Heaven, date: Feb 20, 2006

Review from “Rock Metal”

Vanishing Celestial Bodies - Album Cover“First, a few words about the packaging. The album comes in an esthetic digipack, accompanied by the band’s photo and a professionally printed lyric book. It is quite unique for a band to show so much care about the edition of an album, especially that this is not a full-length album but a four-track promo material issued with no support from any big record company. This reflects the musicians’ professional approach to what they do.

Fortunately, Neurothing’s professionalism is not limited to the packaging. This is proven by the four tracks constituting the EP. The band’s music is a well balanced mixture, comprising elements of death and thrash metal, as well as some hardcore features. Their precisely emphasized lines of the rhythmic section, cold guitar riffs, syncopated rhythm, and frequent changes of pace, together with the growling, screaming vocals suggest that the musicians have been inspired by such classic bands as Death or Meshuggah, and by younger performers drawing on the early Mudyayne. Neurothing’s music is dominated by the blending of different musical approaches and by strongly emphasized contrasts. This is true for tracks such as “Never Core”, where avalanches of sounds are broken off by fraction of a second’s moments of silence. In “Vanishing Celestial Bodies” death metal cascades are accompanied by heavy metal motifs (with Dariusz “Popcorn” Popowicz, known from Armia and Acis Drinkers, as a guest guitarist) and bits with clear, melodic, sort of Corey Taylor style vocals. As I haven’t found any information about guest vocalists, I recon this is the work of Neurothing’s vocalist Bartek Zawadzki. The music becomes more “motoric” in “Macheta” due to broken, monotonously repeated riffs.

Let me add that the album – recorded by Jacek Chraplak and Maciej G?uchowski – sounds clearly and selectively. The four tracks included in the EP show that there are a few interesting ideas teeming in the five musicians’ minds. To find out what will hatch from these ideas we’ll have to wait for their full-lenght album.”

author: RJF, rating: 7/10, translated by: Agnieszka Nowak
source: RockMetal, date: Feb 10, 2006

Review from “Heavy Hardes”

Vanishing Celestial Bodies - Album Cover“Du magst es vertrackt? Du liebst schräge Rhythmen? Du stehst auf knallharte Gitarren und präzises Drumming? Meshuggah sind dir aber inzwischen zu abgehoben und kaum noch nachvollziehbar?

Dann kann dir geholfen werden und du solltest deinen Browser schon mal Richtung Polen ausrichten. Denn daher kommt diese junge, noch vertragsfreie Band, die erst Ende 2004 gegründet wurde. Für ihr junges Alter klingen Neurothing aber schon verdammt tight, was wohl auch zum großen Teil am brutalen und astreinen Sound ihrer Promo EP liegt, für den sich ein gewisser Jacek Chraplak verantwortlich zeigt, seines Zeichens Tontechniker und Produzent.

Für den tonnenschweren Groove und die vertrackten Songs auf Vanishing Celestial Bodies zeigen sich aber Chupasangre (voc.), Hazub (git.), Sloma (git.), Bocian (b.) und Buli (dr.) verantwortlich, die in bester Meshuggah-Manier durch die Botanik holzen, vertrackt, kompliziert, Rhythmus-orientiert, aggressives Geshoute und jede Menge irrwitziger Soli wie es Meshuggah seit Destroy Erase Improve nicht mehr gemacht haben. Dazu packen die Polen noch eine riesige Portion Pantera-Groove, der direkt in die Nackenmuskulatur fährt. Ein wenig Emotionaleres ala Korn und fertig ist der Neurothing-Sound. Die Songs bewegen sich zwar meist in gemäßigterem Tempo, aber dass es auch mal schnell und direkt geht, zeigt man beim Titeltrack, wo es fettes Geknüppel und ein irres Solo von Dariusz “Popcorn” Popowicz zu bestaunen gibt. Verdammt guter Song, ebenso wie die drei anderen auch. Zum Song “Macheta” gibt es übrigens auch ein Video, das man sich auf der Homepage der Jungs ziehen kann. Und genau dahin solltet ihr euch JETZT begeben und zumindest dem dort wartenden mp3 den verdienten Durchlauf am PC gönnen. Ihr werdet nicht enttäuscht werden!”

author: Lord Obirah
source: Heavyhardes, date: Jan 7, 2006

Review from “Metal Express Radio”

Vanishing Celestial Bodies - Album Cover“Vanishing Celestial Bodies is the debut four-song EP from Neurothing, a five-man band that hails from Poznan, Poland. The group describes their music as “Alt-Metal”, and the four tunes on their debut are: “Never Core,” “Macheta,” “Anomaly,” and the title track.

Although one would assume that the debut release from a Polish band would feature lyrics in their native tongue, that’s not the case here; all the singing on Vanishing Celestial Bodies is done in English by Bartek Zawadzki, who also penned the lyrics. The lyrical themes deal with violence, hatred, poverty, death, and injustice, among other things. Good luck comprehending them while listening though, as Zawadzki is indecipherable most of the time, his singing mainly consisting of hoarse, tuneless shouting. Even so, his voice does add a lot of aggression and bile to Vanishing Celestial Bodies.

True to form, aggression seems to be what Neurothing is about; this is not cheery “Flower Metal” that you put on to get in a good mood. Neurothing plays harsh, violent “mad at the world” music that fills you with anger (or angst, depending on your age) and makes you want to hit something and defy authority. Listen to this in a mosh pit for best results, and if you elbow someone in the face, don’t apologize.

Usually music like this is chaotic, jumbled noise played by hacks mad at their parents, but Neurothing has some skill. Guitarists Ryszard Hazubski and Jaroslaw Slomka crank out some good chugging riffs, and drummer Robert Roszczynski is very solid, forming a good rhythm section with bassist Wieslaw Wilga. All the songs have structure and they flow fairly well, although it’s hard to tell where one song ends and the next one begins. A couple of tracks use sampled voices and instrumental passages in places, helping them stand out a bit. If Neurothing did more of this on future releases, and Zawadzki varied his vocal delivery instead of singing every single word in the same overly-forceful tone, they’d have a good shot at separating themselves from the pack.

Vanishing Celestial Bodies is an independent release, and usually the production on independent releases isn’t the best. That’s not the case here — the production on this EP is very good, and has a lot of power and clarity. This is a good calling card for the band as they try and wedge their foot in the music industry’s door.

Will you like Neurothing? That depends. If you’re into “classy” Metal with tuneful vocals, catchy melodies, and soaring guitars, you will not like Vanishing Celestial Bodies … at all. Run away screaming. However, if you like your Metal raw, you might want to keep your ears on Neurothing.”

author: Gary McLean
source: Metal Express Radio, date: Jan 5, 2006

Review from “Antenna Magazine”

Vanishing Celestial Bodies - Album Cover“There is no question that Meshuggah has influenced a lot of bands, and certainly will continue to do so, and the Swedes are one of the obvious comparisons going through Vanishing Celestial Bodies. Neurothing really know how to get the music as syncopated as it gets. The complexity might not reach the heights of aforementioned Swedes, and in my mind this count in favour of the Polish band. Though only presenting four songs, the music still sometimes lacks diversity despite the many elements of each song, but one of the keys to versatility is the inclusion of vocal melodies instead of just screaming their heads off. And exactly this latter element is also included on a couple of songs with “Macheta” as the most successful attempt.

So will Neurothing be able to mark themselves on the scene judged from Vanishing Celestial Bodies? Yes they will, and it’s probably only a question of time before Neurothing is picked up by a record label, as this band shows a standard with the production, musicality and professionalism on Vanishing Celestial Bodies rarely seen with unsigned bands.”

author: LHJ, rating: 4/6
source: Antenna Magazine, date: Dec 23, 2005

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